Month: January 2013

  • Xanga Love

    Some of you write so well on Xanga I would want you to break my heart just to read what you will write about us.


  • Actions Per Minute

    APM's they are called is a term used in video games for how many moves/actions a player does within a minute.  The best and most professional players in all computer games have insane amounts of actions per minute.

    There's no substitute for taking a lot of actions.  Every good pro StarCraft player has really high APM.  Even players who are famous for being pro despite having low APM are ways faster than most people (SjoW--probably the most well-known and successful low APM player in SC2--has APM of ~130).  Sure, you need to be smart about which things you choose to do and precise with your actions.  And you can win some games by being smart, but almost any strategy you want to execute can be executed better by adding in more APM, whether this means taking a few units to do some harassment when you otherwise wouldn't, or just doing a better job target firing the right things in the middle of a big battle.  In life, it's pretty much the same thing.  No matter how smart you are, your effectiveness is going to be limited if you aren't talking to lots of people, sending lots of e-mails, and just doing lots of stuff every day.  Don't underestimate how much value there is in doing whatever you are doing faster so you can move on to doing more things. (Full article here)

    I think this will be the take away for the day.  No matter how smart you are, if you are not sending out the emails, making the calls, responding to customers, or sending out your resume, you will be behind.

    That being said.  I need to sign off of xanga. <3 

  • Mannerisms

    Eating Pho is one of my favorite things to do on a cold day, the morning after drinking, and when I am sick. Hell, I love getting Pho most the time.  For those that are not Asian, Pho is basically Vietnamese Noodle Soup.  Pho is to Vietnam as Pad Thai is to Thailand.  It is one of those dishes that everyone has tried when they say that have had Vietnamese food.  

    Vietnamese noodles are messy.  You have your noodles, your veggies, and the meat.  Also I like to dab some hoisin sauce mixed with siracha as I eat it too.  The problem lies that it is very hard to eat these noodles and add all the goodies in one bit for me unless I slurp.   I will blame my parents for this one because I have never been called out on it until I ate with my very well to do coworker.   While eating with her, she would spin her chopsticks round and round and place it in her spoon.   Carefully choose a slice of meat and some veggies.  Dip her chopstick into the sauce bowl.  Add some soup into her spoon and then put the petite bite into her mouth.  She would do this again and again through our meal.  

    If I did not slow down my eating, I would have been done before she finished her 3rd or forth bite.  I am borderline serious.  

    What I have learned is that the way she sees me eating my noodles tells her a story of my upbringing and my values.  I think this is silly, but there is definitely some merit behind those statements.  I have learned that I am finally starting to view and see other's mannerisms in certain lights as well.  I don't like it when people do not call or text you back.  I don't like it when people make plans and change last minute. I don't like it when people do not say thank you if you pay for a meal.  I don't like it when people wear white socks to any formal get together.  

    What are some mannerisms you don't like and what are you guilty of?

    One day I might stop slurping my noodles.  Until then, omnomnomnom.  

  • Comfort

    "Hi," she texted me early in the morning.  

    It was not a simple text that says Hi, but a giant ridiculous emoticon/image with a picture of a bunny saying HI out of his giant white mouth.  I was so caught off by the whole thing that my mind regressed back into my former self and I almost texted her, "Hey Babe." 

    But the realization that things have shifted far from those former days quickly snap me back into reality as I make my morning commute to work.  

    I have thought about it greatly, the whole thing about being friends with your ex.  And there is something even honorable and impressive about it even though there really should not be, kind of like how we automatically think teachers are better people than people that work in corporate America.   

    And I have asked around on couples that have broken up, people that I look up to.  And there was one person that was able to be best friends with her ex after they broke up.  And for two years they were friends with no strings attached, but that quickly changed when she found the boyfriend that she would soon to marry.  Weeks after her new relationship,  the friendship she had with ex became almost non-existent.

    But the thing with comfort is it quickly falls back into place if you let it.  The conversation from a bystander's point of view almost seemingly seems like the conversation of an aged couple with witty remarks, slight jabs, and deep laughs, of two people that understood the rhythms and flows of one another, knowing when to give and take.

    You realize the slight joy in your heart creeping up inside you and you can't help but smile as you speak to an old familiar friend.   Logic kicks in and you begin the next pause of the conversation with what you know will end the merriment, cutting off the first taste of the morphine drip 4 months down that you told yourself you would deny.

    "How are you and James? You guys celebrate your 3 month?"

    This will be the death blow.  Awkwardness will ensue. Yes, let's talk about your new boyfriend.

    She answers with another emoticon with a bunny saying, "GOOD!" and states they celebrated with a simple lunch.  To your amazement, somehow she continues the flow of the conversation as if she simply told you how the weather was, and you continue the conversation because you have been a chameleon always in your life reflecting the aura and atmosphere of any room or setting. Her ease at which she talks to you continues to move you forward and deeper into the conversation. You remember that you always loved her ability to have the world love her with such ease, while you work to build deep relationships with everyone around you.   

    The conversation dwindles down and you wish each other the best and say things like let's grab lunch sometime hoping the other will not really follow through, the same way we ask people "how's it going," but not really caring about their reply.  

    The night comes and finally you lay in your queen size bed.  A long day's work gave you barely enough time to reflect if you had dinner or not.   The extra space in the bed reminds you of the conversations earlier in the day.  The only thing you know that will help you sleep at night is if you empty your thoughts and pour the words out.  You realize that its 2 am and that it is 2013.  There is nothing to really look back on now.  Any semblance of a friendship will need to be forged months or years from now.  When circumstances completely shift, maybe you will run into each other at a small cafe or a bookstore hardly recognizing each other. And when you do finally recognize each other, you will smile, the same very smile you smiled this morning, a smile of familiarity and comfort.  


  • 2013


    You sonuvabitz!  Lets not waste each others' time.  I want a new job, sexier body, deeper relationships with my friends that matter,  and maybe some nice travels and surprises along the way.  I promise you I will give you my very best and will not waste time as well.   Game on!  


    You stupid sonuvabitz.  You are not 21 anymore and even if you were you dont have time to waste.  Unless you truly want to live as a vagabond traveling through peru, then your arse needs to kick it into high gear and start churning again.

    You tried that abstinent thing already.  The all or nothing approach to the pleasures of this world and that will not work for you.  You last for about 3 months tops and then you binge on the indulgences of the worlds.

    Lets go with moderation.   Try you dummy it will work.

    You aren't a greek god and your body hates you.  Stop forcing it to run 10Ks and 15Ks without training.  You notice how your foot still hurts 2 weeks after because your dumass thought you can run 15K without any form of training.  Sure you finished it no sweat, but how does walking like a gimp feel?  Actions have repercussions and there is something to be said about preparation.

    You remember those corny quotes you keep in your pocket to sound witty.  Yes that one.  Success is when preparation meets opportunity.  So prepare!  

    Finally, spend more time with family.  Your immediate family.  They won't always be there.

    Love you,

    The Asshole that got you into this mess

    We Ride together
    We Survive together

    PS. Dont forget to have fun on your way to the top.  And always, always wear a suit!

  • Can't Sleep

    I can't sleep because I have not blogged in so long.  I figured I would blog at work and get paid to do it, but my mind is running from all the things that have occurred on my 13 day vacation.  Heading back to work tomorrow is not the business and I am scared of what is lingering in my work email when I finally check it.  

    New Years was amazing.  Absolute blessing.  I celebrated at an event with lots of music and lights.  Some people call these events "raves," but i like to feign classiness so I will call it a very large New Year's Eve Party with great DJ's and lots of pretty lights.  

    I will be uploading pictures tomorrow and then I will cut and paste some of the best ones onto xanga.  

    I want to recap 2012.  I really do, but I believe 2012 was not the absolute best year for me.  Maybe it was inside of me, like the ways in which I grew, but outwardly it is hard to measure my successes any more.   

    I have experienced many new things: heartbreak, travel, empathy, some business acumen, some more maturity in ways, but I do not know.  

    2012 did not jump out at me as the year I expected to be.  Maybe 2013 will be that year for me.  Time will tell.  

    So many things have happened around me in 2012, but I think the moment to grieve and rest is now over.  2013 is waiting for me and it is time to get the ball rolling again.   The David Chau who thinks he is ready to take on the world is back.  He is a bit different.  More humble maybe.  More accepting of setbacks.   I am still working on setting up some goals.  I  will upload those when I am ready and have committed to setting some legit goals.  

    Here is a teaser of where I was at midnight.