January 15, 2013

  • Actions Per Minute

    APM's they are called is a term used in video games for how many moves/actions a player does within a minute.  The best and most professional players in all computer games have insane amounts of actions per minute.

    There's no substitute for taking a lot of actions.  Every good pro StarCraft player has really high APM.  Even players who are famous for being pro despite having low APM are ways faster than most people (SjoW--probably the most well-known and successful low APM player in SC2--has APM of ~130).  Sure, you need to be smart about which things you choose to do and precise with your actions.  And you can win some games by being smart, but almost any strategy you want to execute can be executed better by adding in more APM, whether this means taking a few units to do some harassment when you otherwise wouldn't, or just doing a better job target firing the right things in the middle of a big battle.  In life, it's pretty much the same thing.  No matter how smart you are, your effectiveness is going to be limited if you aren't talking to lots of people, sending lots of e-mails, and just doing lots of stuff every day.  Don't underestimate how much value there is in doing whatever you are doing faster so you can move on to doing more things.
    http://www.quora.com/What-are-some-lessons-learned-through-playing-StarCraft-that-are-useful-in-real-life (Full article here)

    I think this will be the take away for the day.  No matter how smart you are, if you are not sending out the emails, making the calls, responding to customers, or sending out your resume, you will be behind.

    That being said.  I need to sign off of xanga. <3 

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