July 20, 2013

  • On

    Peace is truly hard to find between people.  Not the peace of cordiality or not fighting, but when two people can enter each other's space and simply become one.

    Imagine you are lake and when ever you friends come to visit you, they toss a stone into it.   With someone you are so intimate with,  you never have to change.  Their presence does not disrupt you in any way.   You can continue to do whatever you are doing with their presence or not.  You flow in and out of each other's presence with such ease that it seems you are hanging out with yourself and loving every moment of it.

    This can be only had between two delicate souls that have chose to intertwine or just so happen to beat at the same frequency.  

    However, the rest of the world,  when they enter into our worlds, we turn "on."

    "On" is that appearance that we are funny, sociable, charismatic, and all other positive traits type of person.   One of my favorite people I hang out with from time to time was one time crying to me and talking about some serious matter.   We are great friends and we can be whatever we want to be in front of each other.  No bullshit.  No judgement.   She was in mid story of telling me the things she is going through tears barely being held behind her eyes and then a mutual friend comes and sits with us.  Without a hesitation and a blink of an eye,  she turn "on."  Nothing is wrong and we are all shits and giggles.   

    What I am trying to say is we are fake  ... at times.  We are living our instagram lives and showing the world how well we eat, how good our jobs are, and how happy we are in our relationships.   When you find someone you can be off with and be yourself, stick to them.   It is hard to find someone you can be yourself with.   To show hurt and vulnerability and to let them in and say nothing is really okay but I know we will all get there.

    To be known is to be loved.  Thank you.  Thank you for being in my life.  

Comments (10)

  • so beautifully written. " When you find someone you can be off with and be yourself, stick to them. " everyone should do this, if they have one person they can be off with all the time

  • So true David. Great to see you're still around! :)

  • lol. i like how you put that observation in context.

  • Oh...the social button. The funny thing is that we spend so much time being "on" for people we don't even care that much about. Good thoughts!

  • my best friend from 8th grade on and I were like that and when we watched our last sunset together we were just like you said,"in peace with each other and the sunset was God." She died after that from an illness.

  • Just stopped by to say bye-bye.

  • this is the reason my bf treasures our relationship. He can do anything in front of me and I'd be okay with it lol

  • The case of the best friends. Afraid I have reached my max number on this this. I do feel lucky.

  • yes but there always will be disagreements and compromises will have to be made. flickers in the waters are okay. how else can we grow? but what you're saying. it took me a while to realize it.

  • This rings so true. 'On' and 'off' has a much nicer connotation than the ones I use, 'on guard' and 'at rest'.

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