May 10, 2013

  • My Soul Hurts

    It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery, and death. I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that this cruelty too shall end, and that peace & tranquility will return once again. - Anne Frank

    Just finished reading the article on the man who kidnapped the 3 women and raped them repeatedly across ten years.  The whole story is despicable, but how he forced miscarriages upon one of these women through starvation and beating broke me.   My soul hurts.  But this man is human and I do not want to distance myself from the reality of the world and what we are all to some extent capable of given the right conditions.   I know that statement is not one many people will agree with, but people have always agreed with the other spectrum.   P Diddy once said in an interview that if he was like Bill Gates who had parents that had the first access to computers, he could have been the next Bill Gates too.  Being surrounded in the right context affords us opportunities to the three racks of high society.   But the other spectrum,  the-have-nots live lives whose morals, ethics, and even humanity we question.  We sit here on our high thrones saying I would never do that.  

    Tupac once said, "I never committed a crime I didn't have to."   The conditions of his living forced him to do what he could to get by.   Where somehow along the way, you justify that it is okay to enslave children into warfare, to sell daughters to brothels, and to simply hurt people.  

    If it were me and I was in the Dark Knight movie,  I would probably be the first to push the button to blow up the other ferry filled with prisoners and deadbeats.  We live in a world of pain and I think the pain of the world is surfacing more and more or maybe I have just become more aware of it.  

    We all need heroes.  I believe Anne Frank is as much of a hero as Bruce Willis was.  I wonder though if Anne had the ability to continue to write as she was in the concentration camps and watched first hand the horror of the massacres, would she still be able to say that despite everything, that people are truly good at heart?  Do you think one of those 3 women can say that?  Do they believe?  

    I hope so.  

Comments (11)

  • what a profound post.

    thank you.

  • That's a good perspective to have. I believe that each person in life deals with what they are capable of handling, even if they weren't aware of the kind of strength they possess or degree of it. 

    I think that's actually what a lot of them survivors imply when they talk about their experiences. Though for some it may take longer than others to reach that state of mind. 

  • i just read that news too..I shocked and disgusted by that man! then I read how a mom forced her 14 yr old daughter to inseminate herself so she could have more children since she was banned from adopting more

    @_@|||.. the world is crazy...

  • But the difference with us and that sick fuck is that he did all this because he was crazy and not because he was in some "difficult" situation (btw this kind of behavior is never excuseable).  I don't think its quite the right comparison and we're not on the same level as he is.  So yea I think I'll keep judging this guy all I want and not feel bad about it.

  • Have you read outliers? Its a good book; you would like it

  • this is a good perspective D. the more people think that they're more advanced, moral, etc. than others regardless of the time period or situation, the more likely it is that depravity in any degree can rear its ugly head in what they do. 

  • @downtherabbithole23 - I read the first 3 chapters and then I skimmed the rest of the book.  I know what you mean in this context though.   Being the right place. Being born the right month of the year changes your trajectory.  

  • @petitetokio - dark days indeed! Like where the hell have u been and why dont u blog anymore. :(  

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  • What that guy did to those women is sick. Unfortunately, I'm one of those ppl who still believe people are born with good hearts. Every time I see someone do something horrible, I feel sorry that they did not grow up with the proper love in a better environment. 

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