April 5, 2013

  • tough questions

    ignorance is bliss.  is it?  would you want to know if you had cancer while it was still treatable? would you want to know your current bf/gf is only staying with you until they find something better? would you want to know?

    there is this really pathetic song I heard on the radio once about a guy asking his gf if she is cheating on him, not to let him know.  cuz his heart cant take it anymore.   the song goes something like that and i understand the man's sentiment, he loves this girl so much that he doesn't want to be broken-hearted and have the illusion of happiness in front of him destroyed. i get it.  and he probably does not want to deal with the inevitable breakup he has to go through and losing the happy moments he has with his girl.  i get it.  but lets take a moment and repeat after me.  "fuck that shit."

    "fuck that shit."

    following up with previous blog about knowing your worth, it also means knowing where you stand.  knowing where you stand with the people you spend your time with, with your job, and god knows with your fantasy college basketball team.  i am not saying to be an insecure person and asking those around you if you are loved and valued, but there is a time and place to say, "hey motherfawker, do you want me here or not?"   and its moments like this where people will let you know what they want and sometimes what they want and what you want does not align.  that does not make either of the parties bad people, but you need to know and the sooner you know, the better off you are.

    people are naturally aversive to disputes and contentions (see fight club homework assignments).  that and the hope that there may be that slim chance that things could actually work out on both ends paralyzes us on acting.  

    ask the tough questions.  to your boss, to your significant other, to the guy/girl you been having a fling.  where do i stand?  

    know your worth.  ask some questions. close some doors. #ontothenextone



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