December 3, 2012

  • Words of Love

    One of my best female friends wrote this on my wall:

    5 reasons why I ♥ you:
    5. you never gossip for gossip's sake and you never talk shit about anyone, esp. not about your ex's
    4. you push people, including me, to be the best that they can be, because you'll accept nothing less from them
    3. you invest, and I mean, really invest, wholeheartedly invest, in the people you care about, to build the relationships you treasure
    2. your faith is important to you and you share it with others, but you also respect that not everyone has the same beliefs as you
    1. you're constantly trying to improve yourself in every way possible. you're never complacent or entirely pleased with yourself because you know you're capable of more. 

    those are 5 of the many reasons why I ♥ you.

    Another amazing female friend then said this:
    David, you are a great guy.  Let a great girl love you.

    I am lucky guy.  In spite of all things,  I have amazing and uplifting people around me.  #blessed

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